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Apr 21, 2012

Curriculum Italiae

Last night, I managed to break into a cocktail party where I met a slightly eccentric English aristocrat:

– Catharina ! Posh name ! With a C or with a K ?

– With a K. Or with a C, I don’t mind, have your pick!

– Well… I’ll take the K. And, if I may, what is your curriculum vitae, Katharina with a K ?

My curriculum vitae ?! Well…  I don’t remember how I worked my way out of it, but this gentleman’s question gave me an idea. Why not take advantage of this blog to give you, dear readers, an overview of my curriculum vitae?  And for those of you who might eventually want to go into the subject a little deeper, here’s the way:

In my twenties, I used to work in a wine-growing estate in Tuscany. One day, its proud owner came up to me and said: “As you know, Katharina, part of my estate is now vacant, and sadly dormant. I would like to bring it back to life; open its doors to nice people – travellers, vacationers, friends – and share with them the life we have the privilege to enjoy here. Do you think you could help me, pretty young lady, to carry through this wild venture?”

We stared at each other for a few seconds and… “It’s a deal! Let’s get down to work!”

After helping this spirited Tuscan to refurbish and decorate his vacant estate – which in itself was an outstanding piece of the Italian historical heritage, – I went out and found his first clients. Instantaneous success and word of mouth did the rest. Many other estate owners in the area called on me to restore and convert – with the “wise traveller”  in mind and without altering their quintessence – the houses, villas, castles, farms and fortresses situated on their lands.

That’s how Trust & Travel  was born, an agency I founded more than 20 years ago and which I have been managing since then. Today, it serves as link between one hundred exceptional properties and the wayfaring souls seeking to be at one with Italy.

There you are! Now you know, more or less, my curriculum vitae. Or, I should say, my curriculum Italiae!